Case 1: Disseminated Kaposi sarcoma, 65 years old in 2014

Diagnosis: August 2014
iREM-treatment initiation: The patient strictly rejected all treatment options offered by the attending clinic. Start with iREM February 2015
iREM-treatment termination: June 2015
Adverse effects: Non
Comment: Complete remission, last image documented in August 2018.

Healing of a Kaposi sarcoma within three years.

Case 2: Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, 62 years old in 2017

Diagnosis: November 2017
Radiotherapy: from December 2017 till February 2018 >> partial remission
Tumorboard June 2018: Amputation proposal as curative approach.
The patient rejected the proposal and underwent a therapy with mistletoe extract. Progression (worsening).
iREM-treatment initiation: October 2018
iREM-treatment termination: May 2019
Advers effects: Non
Comment: Significant regression of the tumor lesion. Compared to the initially unbearable pain (despite multidrug regiment), the patient is now almost free of pain. Experience has shown that the final healing takes a few more months. Last image documented in October 2019.

Improvement of a cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma within eleven months.

Case 3: Renal cell carcinoma, 50 years old in 2014

Diagnosis: Becouse of a macrohematuria, an abdomen CT was performed. And that revealed an inhomogeneous tumor of the left kidney (diameter approx. 9.5 cm), enlarged paraaortic lymph nodes as well as another neoplasia in the left adrenal gland (see pictures).
iREM-treatment initiation: A total nephrectomy was performed along with a para-aortic lymph node dissection. The proposed chemotherapy was rejected by the patient, so that iREM was initiated at his request in November 2014.
iREM-treatment termination: Treatment was discontinued at the end of February 2015 after sufficient interaction between leukocytes and cultured tumor cells was established.
Adverse effects: Non
Comment: The follow-up examinations have so far shown no recurrence of a tumor: the patient is in excellent health.

Case 4: Biliary track cancer, 75 years old in 2014

Diagnosis: A CT abdomen was performed in June 2014 due to upper abdominal pain. A liver mass of approx. 6 cm in diameter was found.
Initial treatment: After a fine needle biopsy, adenocarcinoma of CUP was assumed, applied TACE therapies could not stop the progression. Finally, a hemihepatectomy was performed in another hospital in May 2015, the resulted biliary track cancer. Inpatient admission of the patient due to a rapid deterioration in health in September 2015: liver as well as lymph node and diffuse peritoneal metastases, moreover approx. 8.5 l hemorrhagic ascites. Initiation of chemotherapy with cisplatin / gemcitabine.
iREM-treatment initiation: As a family friend, the patient insisted on treatment with iREM. His state of health developed very promising – with chemotherapy being carried out in parallel – until in May 2019.
iREM treatment termination: I was officially warned not to continue my “illegal” treatments. After the end of iREM treatment, there was a dramatic decline in the patient’s health immediately, and he finally died in February 2020.
Advers effects: Non
Comment: It is known that the overall survival (OS) of such a disease is approximately 9.7 months (Frédéric Fiteni et al., Cancer Medicine 2014, 3 (6): 1502-1511). Hence, the survival of almost 6 years is indeed more than remarkable. It can be assumed that iREM played a decisive role, and the patient repeatedly confirmed the beneficial effects.

Case 5: Breast cancer (No “happy end”, but illustrative documentation of iREM therapy’s effectiveness)

Diagnosis: Approximately 2013. The patient had concealed her self-diagnosed breast cancer for about five years because she was very afraid of standard oncological therapy.

Natural course, as the patient wanted to inform herself about other alternative options (between September 2018 and February 2019).
Comment: PROGRESSION (worsening).

iREM therapy from February 2019 to April 2019: Significant decrease in margins and incrustation.
Andvers effects: Non
Comment: REGRESSION (improvement).

In May 2019 iREM-therapy was to be terminated. Due to changes in circumstances, the patient had to accepte chemotherapy with weekly paclitaxel. The last picture from 06.06.2019 was kindly provided by the patient herself.
Comment: PROGRESSION (worsening). She died in November 2019.